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Use the UN/LOCODE dataset with ease in your applications

Category Marine
Developer NxtPort

An API built on top of the UN/LOCODE dataset is made available allowing you to integrate it into your own systems or applications. When the dataset is renewed, NxtPort will update the data. So the next time you call the API, you automatically get the right information.
Since there was a need for an international and efficient convention to represent locations, the UN has put in place a code system. This code system is referred to as the United Nations LOCODE (UN/LOCODE) and is intended to cover ports, airports and other locations which are frequently used for goods movement associated with international trade.

The UN/LOCODE API allows you to:

  • Get location details based on a location code
  • Search for locations based on simple search parameters
  • Search for locations near a point on a map
  • Etc

The list of codes is based on entries from governments and international organizations, or requests received from users. UN/LOCODE will continuously be maintained and are made available in the form of datasets on the UN website (that can be consulted or downloaded). Twice per year the list is updated and re-published.

Unfortunately, the lack of API’s may prevent companies and organizations from using the UN standardized codes and opt for their own internal location codes instead. NxtPort is offering the UN/LOCODE data in a more user friendly format and makes it accessible via API’s so that applications can easily consult it.

Use the same location codes as all other parties in the logistics chain.

Operational Efficiency
Save time and money.

Quality Assurance
Avoid human errors and increase the quality of your data.

This API is a direct access API. This means that the data is not under specific sharing control, so it is accessible for anybody who subscribes to the API. If your application requires you to bring your own key to access the API, you can get that key by subscribing to this API.

Steps to take:

  • Subscribe to the API by clicking on ‘Subscribe’ in the ‘Pricing’ tab
  • Each user needs to register on the NxtPort International marketplace (click register on the top right menu)


Free *

* The general yearly NxtPort International subscription fees apply when subscribing to this or any other API on the NxtPort International platform.

NxtPort International keeps the API up-to-date with the latest UN dataset (available here). Any requests for locations to be added to the API can be discussed with NxtPort International.

Share your data

NxtPort keeps the API up-to-date with the latest UN dataset. Any requests for locations to be added to the API can be discussed with NxtPort.

This API is a direct access API.

This means that the data is not under specific sharing control and that there is no need to implement a full authentication flow. The only thing you need is an API key to add to the header of your API call. You can get that key by subscribing to the API. API usage is metered and billed based on this API key. If usage should be billed to the users of your application, you should ask those users to bring their own key.


All required information can be found on Github, Swagger or our Wiki pages. We chat through #slack.