Every theme NxtPort is working around is represented by a NxtPort Business Case. Any activity – new use cases, an event that will occur in the future, a new API, an article related to this business case – will be gathered here. To make it easy to recognize which NxtPort Business Cases are interesting for you, we have grouped them into different Communities.
About NxtPort's Business Use Cases
NxtPort was founded by a number of leading maritime and logistics companies and industry associations from the Port of Antwerp. A solid governance structure and a set of golden rules to protect the platform’s neutrality form the foundation of the initiative, guaranteeing the trust of the larger Port Community.
With the first implementation of NxtPort technology and processes, we aim to unlock tremendous value for our ports by facilitating a better use and better sharing of existing data. This value will be unlocked along the entire supply chain for all players. The platform will cover the nautical side as well as the hinterland, so there will be value creation for carriers, agents, terminals, warehouse owners, freight forwarders, industry players and players within the port itself – such as pilots, tugs, customs and the Port Authority.
NxtPort is experienced in mobilising communities, in matchmaking between community members and in knowing how to set up governance to make communities collaborate around logistics.
We apply a strict division between the data layer and the applications layer: NxtPort runs the data platform and does not develop applications. Applications are left to “the market”, to stimulate competition, innovation and further efficiencies. Through a strong involvement in the ISV community on the one hand and the supply chain business community on the other hand, we will stimulate the development of new applications/innovations further up or lower down the supply chain. We can connect established and new partners to streamline and optimise existing workflows and to discover new business opportunities by sharing data and generating new insights.